
The static claim issue has, for far too long, been a thorn in the side of many Lloyd’s syndicates, with little to no progress being made by the solutions currently being offered to resolve this monthly task. FullCircle’s approach to static claims takes into account this under-performing process and changes the interaction and approach in order to benefit the lead whilst working alongside Lloyds brokers, who bear the brunt of providing insight into whether a claim entry remains static or not.

FullCircle’s continual goal is to align our claims philosophy to that of its customers in all services which we find pays dividends towards the resolution of statics. FullCircle’s understanding of broker process and administration allows the bottle necks in these areas to be cleared towards conclusion. FullCircle has built an extensive network of relevant contacts across DCA’s and Brokers which makes the service a break through for Lead Markets, long tied up in static, legacy, problems.

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If you have any questions regarding our services then please get in touch